We probably first need to define Outside-In and e-Trust:
The first definition will be the most difficult to capture in a single sentence, especially as LEF's own understanding of the concept is fast evolving, from being just an IT based paradigm focussed on platform location, to taking a more holistic business perspective resulting in the importance considering and engaging in the development of new business ecosystems, often powered by the fast evolving internet.
The approach or mindset of an enterprise or entity that makes use of an external network of partners and/or co-creators to expand the size of the network for the benefit of it's participants. This will more often involve the effective use of information or innovation sourced from the external network, than it will internally created information or innovation.
Involves the capacity to develop confidence during specific interactions, that involve specific assets, through various devices and systems across networks to other knowable and unknowable entities. One might call it Virtual Trust.
After my coughing bout, and a period of what felt like insane clarity, I fell asleep after having created the following seven top Level "A"s, as perceived by the end user.
(NB I did not concern myself with the deeper, more technical components that will be required to deliver on these high level drivers.)
Affordance, Accessibility, Availability, Accuracy, and Agency....
I swear I came up with a sixth and seventh A, but as I fell asleep soon after with a deep sense of satisfaction, I failed to properly store it in my sleepy neurons. Wait, they have appeared, I can't believe I momentarily forgot them, they are of course;
Authenticity and Authority
As I went to sleep, I gave myself the challenge of comparing these seven terms with the Parkerian Hexad, but first lets quickly define these seven drivers, not in any specific order. I will tweak the Wikipedia definitions to match the needs of this blog post. Remember we are considering the drivers of e-trust in an Outside-In world. I will not argue for or against these terms, I will just try and define them in the context of Outside-In.
The capacity of an object, service, ecosystem, or environment, to allow an entity to perform an action.
This term relates also to such concepts as usability, simplicity
Accessibility is the degree to which information, products, devices, services, or environments are available to as many entities as possible.
Availability is the probability that an item will operate satisfactorily, or information would usable at a given point in time when used under stated conditions in an ideal support environment. Simply put, availability is the proportion of time a system is in a functioning condition.
Accuracy The nearness or closeness of information to the actual value of information being accessed.
Agency is the capacity of an agent (a person or other entity) to act in a world, including controlling access to their own information.
Authenticity The genuineness of content or identity, actually possessing the alleged or apparent attribute or character,
Authority Represents the legitimacy of an entity to define formal rules or rights, established in law or by decree of the owning entity.
So onto my Parkerian Hexad comparison...
My seven terms Affordance, Accessibility, Availability, Accuracy, Agency, Authenticity and Authority
The terms from the Parkerian Hexad
- Confidentiality
- Possession or Control
- Integrity
- Authenticity
- Availability
- Utility
I believe that the seven more effectively represent the drivers of trust, rather than outcomes that influence the trust.
All this, apart from the last comparison, in a weirdly clear glimpse just as I fell asleep. It just felt right.
In the cold light of days I am starting to challenge the logic... what say you?