Thus we want charging stations dotted around the home, and in the car. I have loads of Apple USB Chargers but you changed the cable end....
So I went to Amazon to buy some more cables.
All of them stated they worked with the required devices, and when they arrived they did!
All plugged into Apple Chargers! I don't want to buy cheap chargers that would likely catch fire!
Then a nasty piece of software was downloaded from the Apple Bullying Corporate Department. First the software started to signal that the cables might not be reliable, then the software actually disabled charging when the perfectly functional cable was plugged in.
This is a despicable act that is not good for the planet nor my pocket, and neither is it good for my Apple Loyalty!
Your greed has started me to look elsewhere.
Seriously I am starting to actually consider shifting away from my decades of Apple fan-boy status.
I was happily able to ignore the jibes of my technologically impaired friends.
I am not however willing to ignore your greed and negative impact on our planet.
Please stop pretending my charging cables are broken!
They are not! You are lying to me!
You just want me to buy your cables at up to 10 times the cost!!!