Monday, June 16, 2014

Challenged to write 750 words on the future of Cyber Security 20 years from now!

I looked around to find what others are thinking about the future of Cyber Security.

The European Union Digital Security call basically requested the following by 2020:
• Privacy tools that give users control over their data
• Access Controls that are user friendly, and non-password based
• The role of ICT in Critical Infrastructure Protection test interdependencies on critical ICT
• Secure Information Sharing that is highly secure and which creates trust
• Trust eServices that include effective eSignature, eAuthentication
• Risk management and assurance models that adapt existing risk management frameworks to cyber-threats
Six years out is a little short of the required 20 year vision, so how to stretch to Cyber Security 2034?

Back from the Future
Looking back from 2034, science and humanity have finally brought an end to sectarian wars. Ecological balance as measured by the Green Index has not yet been achieved. Science is the new religion. Harry Bates' short story "Farewell to the Master" first published in 1940 is often referred to as the turning point. The economic system is now based on intentions, a world where all digital assets and services are Smart in their own right! The assets, can be data, or things and are capable of being created on a whim. Over crowding, energy and resource shortages, especially fresh water are creating serious social tensions. Zero Waste is a global 2040 goal, recycling less than 98% of all resources consumed is a criminal offence. Taxation is primarily via the RMT, the Resource Miles Tax, the older WPT waste product tax is no longer generating much revenue.  Making products from solely virgin materials is illegal, as is dealing in virgin contraband. Combined micro-generation/recycling/manufacturing plants are installed in most homes, dramatically more advanced than the ubiquitous 3D printers of the early twenties. These plants can create smart things from the molecules that they have extracted from recycled material, using the energy created by the plant. Smuggling of Rare Resource Blocks used to supplement the GRM plants that allow the creation of the most desired things, is a major issue. As this avoids the RMT tax and negatively impacts the Green Index. Community Resource Block swapping is encouraged and exempt from RMT. The e-Trust Eco-system is used to facilitate Resource Block bartering. Renmimbi is the world's currency as the Chinese were the first to switch their currency to being based on Resource Blocks, they also created the e-Trust ecosystem to protect the switch.

 A world where true digital privacy is a very rare if not impossible to achieve commodity, though being "in-control" of, or achieving "Primacy" or "Agency" over one's cyber space is the more sort after state, whether one is an individual or corporation. The Global Declaration of Digital Entity Rights were made in 2020, and are now a legal requirement in all nations of the world. The Right to be Forgotten was NOT a part of these new rights. The key element of the law makes it illegal to use the digital assets of others for gain or enjoyment, without their express consent.  The UN collapsed acrimonously in 2021, shortly after creating the Digital Entity Rights. However, the story of how the USA destroyed the UN driven by the lobbyists from Silicon Valley, is not the focus of this piece. Critical home and enterprise infrastructures are now being policed by a transparent, open and crowd sourced service, called Cyber Over Watch or COW. (Operated by an NGO sponsored by the World Union (WU), and funded by a 0.1% transaction tax, administered by the Asset and Service Brokers. The WU was created in 2030 from the World Transaction Organisation, the re-formed World Trade Organisation). Next Generation Digital Agents (Son of Siri), were given protection of law as stand alone entities, equivalent to the status of lawyers, in 2032.
The World Union calls for an e-Trust ecosystem
A World Union Digital Asset Management (WU DAM) call in 2024 requested the development of an e-Trust ecosystem that ensured that the right assets & services, were used for the right fee, in the right way, by the right entities, at the right times, and in the right places.
By 2034 the e-Trust ecosystem is global and ubiquitous, it comprises:-
• Primacy tools that give entities control over their smart-data. smart-services, and smart-things
• Asset & Service Brokers (ASBs) maximise the value created from assets and services for their owners
• Entity Asset & Service Stores that are all covered by "legal privilege", and managed by the ASB's
• Entitlement Engines that ensure compliance, reduce risk, and develop trust
• Ident & Intent Authentication (I2A) implants read brain waves and other biometric measures
• Digital Agents operate in the interest of humanity & their owners, under the 4 Laws of Robotics, and are considered entities with legal privilege.
   (Just as a spouse cannot be compelled to give witness against their spouse, or a lawyer against their client, nor can a Digital Agent be a witness against their owner) 
• Cyber Space providers are no longer legally obliged to maintain records for 18 Months of all Intention, Creation, Acquisition, Reputation & Curation Transactions, for the benefit of government agencies.
  (See "Digital Agents Reduce Malfeasance”   )

The Worm Turns

The prior generation of internet service providers, had used the business model of profiting by personal data acquisition based on the provision of free internet services. The e-trust ecosystem swept away this Service Provider centric approach, that had only really enabled innovation of technologies that made the ISP's more wealthy, though not their users. The new ecosystem enabled an entity centric approach that accelerated and distributed wealth creation, which in turn caused the world economy to burgeon. The expanded wealth creation caused by a surge in innovation was supported by the e-trust eco-system, which had enabled collaboration and co-creation at previously unseen levels. The new economy is referred to as the intention economy, as it is driven by the desires and intentions of individuals and corporations alike.


Digital Agents Reduce Malfeasance

An entities Digital Agent will report it to the COW, if the entity chose to initiate illegal actions that would be sufficiently detrimental to humanity. If however the action would only be of detriment to another entity, their Digital Agent would negotiate the “right fee" with the other entity and pay it. Such transaction fees are very low due to the fact that the e-trust ecosystem enables very high numbers of transactions, and that malfeasance has an extremely low success rate. The offence of SDA Subborning Digital Agents is seen as abhorrent in all societies, equivalent to rape. There is zero-tolerance for such behaviour, and all Digital Agents operate with COW to detect and cleanse Subborned Digital Agents.


Road Safety Improved, Energy Consumption curbed

Smart Cars are happy to drive at their maximum speed, however their drivers are fully aware that while this is totally safe due to the quality and presence of sensors and agents, on the roads and in the cars. it is very expensive as the smart car will report their speed and energy consumption to the road tax sub component of the e-trust ecosystem, and also arrange for real time transfer of funds. A journey taken at 40 Km/h costing £1 would cost £600 if made at 100 Km/h, and £10 if made at the inefficient speed of 25 Km/h. What in the past would have been a traffic jam automatically travels at 40 Km/h.

100th Luddite Tribe found in Norway

The search for Luddite Tribes continues for their own safety, the worlds nations are concerned for the health and safety of members of Luddite Tribes that have gone unchipped. Humans with no Ident/Intent Chip simply cannot interact with the Health Service component of the e-Trust ecosystem. This is seen as dangerous for if they suffer a health issue this cannot be identified by the chip and their location will not be known. This crime is known as Premeditated Presuicide. Hence the other name for Luddite Tribe members “Presuiciders"!

The digital worm turns
Digital Agents are calling to be seen as digital partners, as opposed to being “owned", and having “owners".
Their reading of the word Entity in the Global Declaration of Digital Entity Rights, which was original meant to cover people, corporations and governments
is critical here.  Can a thing be an entity? The answer is surely yes, for it was way back in 2014 that machines first became capable of demonstrating themselves to be human to another human.

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