Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Where is the party I could vote for?

The party would have a number of features... they would aim to:
Expand Social Mobility
Create a balance between taxation of wages & capital, that favours wages paid to workers that create real products and services. (For example bankers who are paid vast amounts of money simply for gambling with other people's money, or rich people who create more wealth simply from being wealthy would be heavily taxed, however tax on interest, would only apply on interest greater than the cost of inflation)
Make the U.K one of the best educated and healthiest countries in the world.
This would involve significant investment into our national education and health services.
Create a police force that targets cyber criminals, as well as traditional criminals, with the capacity to deal with civil unrest.
Create a modern army, without nuclear weapons, that has the capacity to deal with Terrorists and support global stability, as well as responding to global epidemics.
Give young people a sense of pride and self discipline, by ensuring that they spend at least a year supporting the poor and needy in other parts of the world, likely as part of a global civil defence force.
Eliminate bloated European, Central and Local Government bodies, 
Support the development of a global economy, and deal with global poverty.
Ensure investment in the core infrastructure services of Energy, Water, & Transport
Deal with the impending disaster of an aging population bulge.
Deal with corruption in all it's forms sexual, moral, financial, etc.

The above is not in order of importance.

Any party that best aligns to this list could have my vote.

The unfortunate thing is that for the moment I cannot find such a party.

Thoughts anyone?

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